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Results and recent photos can be found on our Facebook page here.


Saturday 6th April

Opening of the Green

Saturday  20th April

"Try Bowls" Day (2.30pm start) - all welcome

Saturday 27th April

Woodys Taxis Invitation Pairs*

Saturday 25th May

Funeralcare Open Triples*

Saturday 1st June

Hamilton Trophy: Borders vs Edinburgh (2pm)

Wednesday 11th June

Bell Cup Qualifier at Portland BC

Saturday 6th July

Charlie Martin Open Pairs *

Sponsored by Maguires Country Parks

Saturday 20th July

Ladies Open Pairs*

Sponsored by Ideal Beds

Saturday 27th July

The Arthur Wilmer Open Triples*

Sponsored by Ideal Carpets

Saturday 31st August

The Wilf White Open Triples*

Sponsored by Albury Care

Saturday 5th October

Closing of the Green

* = Round Robin

Most Club Open competitions (marked above with *) are run on a Round Robin basis. Entries can be emailed to our Match Secretary at

In all cases the closing date is the Monday before the event.

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