New members are most welcome. The annual membership subscription is £100 (which includes your own locker) and £10 for associate (non-playing) members. Junior membership is free and visitors are also welcome on a £4 pay as you go basis. The Club is currently offering a first year membership of £25 for beginners. Membership application forms are available at the Clubhouse.

Hamilton Trophy action on Berwick Green, May 2022

​Some of our Members are qualified Bowls Scotland Coaches, who can provide help and advice to beginners who wish to join.
The Club run regular coaching classes for adult beginners and for juniors throughout the summer. All junior classes are properly supervised by a fully qualified Bowls Scotland Coach holding an enhanced DBS qualification.
Each year the club runs a "Try Bowls Day" (likely to be April/May 2025, exact date yet to be announced) - complete beginners and novices are all welcome.
Bowls and shoes will be provided where needed. For full details and dates please apply to the Club Secretary.